About us


Action for Economy of Communion in Central Africa

The AECAC incubator is a coworking space where all entrepreneurs, meet up and help one another to either Start their business or to mature it. At their disposal we are networking with others entrepreneurs around the world within the EoC IIN platform and ressources. During their experience at the AECAC incubator, entrepreneurs are opportune to enhance their personal and organizational effectiveness and script their business identity.


The “Action for Economy of Communion in Central Africa”, AECAC incubator , in the course of inception, is under the supervisory authority of AFECAC “Association for an Economy of Communion in Central Africa”. The centre committing to being a co-working environment, where business ideas are developed, matured, and transformed into business; where businesses are created and followed-up till maturation; and where down falling businesses are restructured for a new stand (All these services will be provided according to EoC principles).


Project summary

The purpose of the AECAC incubator is to help in the growth of a new generation of entrepreneurs in favour of an inclusive and sustainable economy. Its mission is to provide incubation services and collaboration space to startups and young project leaders with social and environmental impact. These services are offered with the style of reciprocity. The action consists in supporting a project leader in the process of creating and developing a company until its maturity. To promote alongside local entrepreneurship promoters and in particular, actors/actresses of youth and/or women’s entrepreneurship, its training course which includes the three skill levels (Entrepreneurial Skills; Managerial Skills; Functional Skills; with seminars on the following points: (Values enhancement – Creativity – Budgeting – Business Model – Communication – Taxation). As a general incubator, our intervention covers the agricultural sector, education/training, vocational training and technological innovations in order to guarantee citizens equal opportunity in terms of access to social services while promoting equal access to public service offers. It is in this sense that AECAC will position itself, in Cameroon economic leader in Central Africa, as an incubator for the establishment of innovative and partnership financing and management mechanisms for companies moving from the informal to the formal legal status.
