ENGLISH : The best 20 entrepreneurial projects of Economy of Communion and positive social impact will be chosen. The entrepreneurial projects will be granted a free incubation process with experts and senior entrepreneurs from different countries. DOWNLOAD THE CALL OF APPLICATION HERE APPLY ONLINE HERE More infos: secretariat@aecac.org /  Tel: 696 52  11 71   FRANCAIS : Les 20 meilleurs Projets Entrepreneuriaux de l’Economie […]

Francesco Economy Pre-Event at CUIB 2019

  The Catholic University Institute of Buea “CUIB” (Buea Campus) Pre-event of the Economy of Francesco that began at 8am with holy mass, saw the participation of His Lordship Immanuel Bushu CUIB Chancellor and Bishop of Buea Diocese, Fr. George Nkeze CUIB President, Dr. De Bortoli Maurizio CUIB Vice President for Mission & Identity, Steve […]